London parents start using eRedbook

Date: 14 June 2016

Sitekit is working with five NHS trusts across London to field test eRedbook. The Personal Child Health Record is being connected to Child Health Information Systems across London to provide accurate up to date health information for parents and reduce administration for health professionals.

Central London Community Healthcare (CLCH) is the first London Trust to offer the eRedbook to parents and flow information from the Trust’s data warehouse into eRedbook. Following the initial engagement, parents can now register to use the eRedbook on the Trust’s website.

Parents who use the eRedbook are able to see which immunisations their child has received, as this information can be retrieved automatically from clinical systems.

Health Data to be Made Available Online

Due to the success of this initial work, Sitekit is now working with Northgate to field test flowing results of the Newborn Bloodspot Screening (NBBS), Newborn Hearing Screening Programme (NHSP) and New Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) from National Screening. This will enable parents to easily access their screening results on their phone, tablet or computer.

NHS England - London Region has introduced an eRedbook CQUIN to encourage Trusts across London to adopt the initiative. With positive response following feedback from parents and clinicians, other Trusts across London are also close to going live with eRedbook.   

With the positive testing results and integration with eRedbook as a must have requirement of the national specification for the Child Health Information Services (OBS 2015), significant steps forward in the universal roll out of eRedbook are being made.

Organisations looking to collaborate on this initiative should contact

  • Summary:

    Sitekit is working with five NHS trusts across London to field test eRedbook. The Personal Child Health Record is being connected to Child Health Information Systems across London to provide accurate up to date health information for parents and reduce administration for health professionals.